Saturday, July 6, 2024

TA: Review of MGA MULTO: Haunted by History

July 6, 2024

Senyora Alvino (Miren Alvarez-Fabregas) was honoring his memory by funding an orphanage built in his name. Her only son Oswaldo (Yan Yuzon), an artist working in Paris, had just arrived for a visit. When she saw Oswaldo getting close with their young housekeeper Regina (Sabrina Basilio), daughter of carpenter Jacobo Estrano (Mark Aranal), Senyora poured out her secret concerns to her friend Pastor Mande (Joseph dela Cruz).

"Mga Multo" was originally "Gengangere" (literally, "the ones who return"), a play first written in Danish by acclaimed Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen in 1881, first staged in 1882. The English translation "Ghosts" (a title which Ibsen was reportedly not too happy about) was done by William Archer, likely in the same period when he translated other famous Ibsen classics like "A Doll's House" (1889) and "Peer Gynt" (1892). 

This Tanghalang Ateneo show featured an all-alumni cast. It was led by an actress whose name I had long heard about -- Miren Alvarez-Fabregas -- who thankfully decided to come out of retirement after a long 20 years to do this play. Her legendary reputation is certainly well-deserved. Each character was given a highlight moment, and everyone -- Yuzon, dela Cruz, Basilio and Aranal -- all delivered powerful performances of impressive depth.  

It was not easy to come into this play without any idea what going to be about like I did, because the plot was rather a complex family melodrama. During that first act, I must admit that I got confused with many things Senyora and Pastor Mande were talking about at length. However, eventually figuring out all the hidden secrets and connections between the five characters on my own did prove to be very rewarding indeed. 

The heart of Act 2 is a mother-and-son conversation about a mysterious affliction that has befallen Oswaldo. The name of the disease was not expressly mentioned, so the audience will have to rely on context clues as to what was wreaking havoc on Oswaldo's physical and mental well-being, as excruciatingly portrayed by Yuzon. Controversial allusions to scandalous topics of questionable morality are tackled in this intense second act. 

I had not yet read the original English text, but I have to say that pure, proud and magnificent Tagalog used by director Ron Capinding and Guelan Luarca to deliver Ibsen's dark and heart-wrenching story is easily the most impressive aspect of this production. To make things even more amazing, every actor in the cast was delivering these lengthy, difficult, tongue-twisting lines so naturally, briskly and flawlessly. This is truly a must-watch theatrical masterpiece.


"Mga Multo" runs at the Doreen Blackbox Theater, Arete, Ateneo de Manila University, QC with 7:00 PM shows on June 28 - 30, July 5 -7, and 3:00 PM matinees on June 29 - 30, July 6-7. Tickets are priced at PhP 850 for the general public (exclusive of service fee), Php 680 for Senior Citizens, PWDs, and Tanghalang Ateneo Alumni, while Ateneo students (LS, SHS, JHS) may avail for their tickets priced at Php 600.


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