Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rep: Review of JEPOY AND THE MAGIC CIRCLE: Feast of Filipino Folklore

October 14, 2024

Jepoy and his washer-woman mother Aling Barang may be very poor, but they managed to lived happily together with their pet dog Galis in their cottage at the edge of a big forest. One day, Galis ran off with a dress Aling Barang was washing, so Jepoy ran after his pet. To his amazement, his dog jumped into a mysterious circular portal floating in mid-air. Jepoy jumped right in with him and they ended up in another dimension called the Underworld.

"Jepoy and the Magic Circle" is the first of two original Filipino musicals Repertory Philippines is staging during this, their current 87th season.  The second one is "Going Home to Christmas," featuring the songs of Jose Mari Chan, timed for the holiday season. This continues Rep's initiative to stage original Filipino shows which started with "Miong" and "The Quest for the Adarna" in 2019, only to be interrupted by the pandemic. This new musical is directed by Ms. Joy Virata, the creative director of Repertory Theater for Young Audiences.

Rody Vera adapted the script from the children's book "The Magic Circle" by Gilda Cordero-Fernando, while the original music and lyrics were written by Ejay Yatco. Yatco is on an extraordinary creative roll this year. He was the musical director of Full House's Parokya ni Edgar musical "Buruguduystunstugudunstuy" (while Vera wrote the book). He was the composer of "Pingkian," Tanghalang Pilipino's musical about Emilio Jacinto. This makes "Jepoy" the second totally original full-length musical composed by Yatco in a single year. 

The play opened with a short introduction to endangered indigenous fauna, like mouse deer, warty pig, Philippine eagle, tarsier and pawikan. The first half of the play was expository, building up the real world where Jepoy and mother lived and teasing a brief taste of the Under-world on the other side of the portal. However, it was during the second half when the wondrous world of Filipino folklore bloomed in full color right in front of our eyes, featuring the fantastical costume designs of Raven Ong, and cute puppet work of Kayla Teodoro. 

As we joined Jepoy as guest of a Tikbalang wedding officiated by the elegant Dona Geronima, we get to meet the Tres Marias -- Maria Makiling, Maria Sinukuan and Maria Cacao, the duwendes in blue and the tiyanak in pink, the two manananggals in flight, the sirena who guides the sailors, and finally, the Kapre. There was also a guy carrying a blind guy, a mute guy and a lame guy on his shoulders (not sure who he was). Like Galis, there were other talking animals in attendance, like Cat, Frog, Monkey and Cockroach.  

Elian Dominguez as Jepoy

In the show I watched, Jepoy was played by Elian Dominguez in his first lead role in a major musical production. His Jepoy was full of energy, with a slight rascally vibe, which was a nice comic touch. His singing voice had a wide range, so he should have a promising career in musical theater ahead of him. As he is an environmental scientist by profession, he got his wish to merge his two interests with this play. (Alternating as Jepoy are theater veteran at age 20 Noel Comia, Jr. and former "Batang Rizal" Yhuan Gatbunton.)

Aling Barang was played by Mikkie Bradshaw-Volante, as bubbly as ever. (Ring Antonio alternates as Aling Barang.) Host Paqui was played by Luis Marcelo, who should be more careful with his intro spiels for the kids. He mis-defined the word "nocturnal" in the show I watched. (Joshua Cabiladas, Franco Ramos and Stephen Vinas alternate as Paqui.) Dona Etang and Dona Geronima were played by Pinky Marquez, her soprano as solid as ever. (Abi Sulit alternates as the Donas.) Real-world Galis was played by Francis Gatmaytan (Czar Decena as alternate), while Under-world Galis was played by Cara Barredo. 

A featured character that deserves special mention is that the Kapre, portrayed by Hans Ekstein in the matinee show I watched. You barely see the actor at all, as he had dark green face make-up on and a full-body costume of green leaves. He had to carry the giant's head and torso (with a moving mouth and arms!) above him, while wearing elevated clogs on his feet. The actor had to rely on his deep resounding voice to act and convey the Kapre's sad plight, and Eckstein delivered. (Juliene Mendoza and Joey G. Vargas alternate as Kapre.)

In the show I watched, the Tres Marias were played by Jay Barrameda, Barbara Jance, Paula Paguio (Mica Fajardo alternates).  The ensemble included Lance Soliman, Ayla Garcia, Nyla Festejo, Francesca Mata, Alyanna Wijangco, Ayam Eckstein, Cheska Quimno, Chan Rabutazo, Franco Ramos, JV Fulgencio, Kenny Isidoro, Pablo Palacpac, Broey Divinagracia, Sebastian Katigbak, and Dindo Divinagracia. (Sean Nicolas, Monica Tulio, Chesko Rodriguez, Ado Villanueva, Deo Dela Cruz, VJ Cortel, Jay Pangilinan, Jae Valencia, Gabo Tiongson, Ian Hermogenes, Bea Remollo, Katie Bradshaw, Jacqui Jacinto, Meg Salud, Jalea Cabiladas, and Daniella Albano alternate in the Ensemble). 

For the rest of the artistic team: Cara Barredo was the assistant director. Stephen Vinas and Francis Gatmaytan did the choreography. Mio Infante designed the set. John Batalla designed the lights. GA Fallarme and JM Jimenez designed the projections. Johann dela Fuente designed the hair and makeup. 

Marquez, Gatmaytan, Dominguez, Barredo
and the colorful ensemble

Parental guidance is needed so the kids can get the messages of this show straight.  Traditional Filipino dark monsters were portrayed here as colorful friends. Their continued "existence" remains valuable only for our heritage and cultural identity as Filipinos, certainly not as fact. Discrimination against those regarded by society as different is correct. However, calling everyone "all a little weird" (and having Jepoy proudly declare himself as a "weirdo" as the final line) can be confusing for kids and should be explained to them properly. 


"Jepoy and the Magic Circle" is Rep's first play staged in their new home in the fourth floor of the Eastwood City Walk. Tickets are available at Ticketworld. For ticket reservations, send a message at: 09626918540 & 09669054013. Orchestra Center and Loge seats go for P1500 each, while Orchestra Side seats cost P1000 each. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

CAST: Review of OTHELLO: Jumbling in Jealousy

October 8, 2024

Venetian army ensign Iago (Reb Atadero) was furious that his Moorish superior officer Othello (Tarek El Tayech) had promoted an aristocrat Cassio (Davy Narciso) to the position he aspired for instead of him. Recruiting unwitting accomplices in his wife Emilia (Maronne Cruz) and his lovesick friend Roderigo (Rafael Jimenez), Iago executed a devious plot to plant a seed of doubt between newlyweds Othello and his virtuous bride Desdemona (Gab Pangilinan).

"Othello" was one of William Shakespeare's more popular plays that I have not read nor seen performed on stage. When I learned that CAST was going to stage this classic, I immediately bought a ticket once they were released for sale. I had known about CAST's previous staged readings and productions, but unfortunately, I never got a chance to see any of them yet. I made sure I was not going to miss this one anymore. 

Before watching any play by Shakespeare, I was afraid that I may not be able to comprehend the Old English verse since I did not have any idea about the story. These apprehensions doubled when it was announced that the play would run for a formidable 2 hours and 45 minutes, with 20 minute intermission. However, once the play started, my worries were unfounded, the language was clear and the pace was engaging.

Reb Atadero and Tarek El Tayech

Tarek El Tayech was effortlessly intimidating as Othello, towering over everyone with his hefty frame. When his rage reached its peak, his big eyes were aflame, and we would cower in fear.  Paired with the waifish Gab Pangilinan as his Desdemona, she was like rag doll in his massive arms. The skilled wrestling choreography made the rough violence that transpired between them feel so shocking and real, as we helplessly watched on the sidelines. 

At the center of everything was Reb Atadero, who played the sly, cunning Iago with sinister relish. We needed to understand Iago to be able to understand the whole play, and Atadero's clear delivery of his lines gripped us and drew us into the complex web he spun without much difficulty. He was able to balance the duplicitous nature of his character, appearing like loyal and honest friend on one side, while being relentlessly ruthless traitor on the other. 

Emilia was Iago's wife and Desdemona's maid, a role which may feel small with a lesser actress, but Maronne Cruz definitely made sure she would make her mark on that stage. She and Pangilinan shone in that scene where the worldly Emilia advised naive Desdemona not about their husbands, but also their self-worth. Emilia memorably called men "stomachs", while women were the "food" which their men eat, and belch out when they're full. 

Maronne Cruz and Gab Pangilinan

Veteran actor Jaime Del Mundo was featured as Desdemona's father Brabantio. The rest of the cast also donned military fatigue uniforms like Othello, Cassio, Iago and Emilia, including Dippy Arceo as Cassio's lover Bianca, MC Dela Cruz as Desdemona's cousin Lodovico, and director Gomez as Venetian official Montano.  Jimenez wore humor t-shirts as the play's dark comic relief. Panganiban radiated innocence, virtue and purity with her flowy dresses.  

Director Nelsito Gomez was very bold to stage a big play like this in the limited space of the Mirror Theater Studio. The stage was just a flat square floor, with the audience seated on all four sides around it. This close proximity of actors and audience in this tiny black box venue added to the suffocating atmosphere of percolating toxic jealousies. These emotions just erupted in full hurricane-force into our faces at the climax. I was left gasping for breath. Whew!


CAST's "Othello" runs only for two weekends, from October 4 to 13, 2024 at the Mirror Theater Studio, on the 5th floor of the SJG Building, 8463 Kalayaan Avenue, Makati City. Tickets were sold at P1000 each. The whole run is already sold out.

Today, in response to the overwhelming demand, another performance date has been added on October 19 at 8 pm! Go and watch this!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Review of 3 UPUAN: Dealing with Death, Looking at Life

September 28, 2024

Three siblings come together when their father passed away from esophageal cancer. Eldest son Jers (Jojit Lorenzo) was a philosophy professor who quoted Plato and Nietzche in his daily conversations. Second son Jack (JC Santos) was a visual artist whose dream was to interpret Rolando Tinio's poetry into paintings. Youngest was Jai (Martha Comia), a journalist who migrated to the US while advocating for indigenous peoples.

This new play written and directed by Guelan Luarca runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes without an intermission. However, during that single act, the story was not told in a linear manner, as the scenes jumped forwards and backwards in time. At one point, it went so far back into the "juicy" past that even the big bang entered the conversation. A guest narrator would indicate the passage of time, but sometimes it was just a whooshing sound effect that did so.   

As if to embody the title, the set only consisted of three simple chairs, one for each of the three characters. They not only sat on their chairs, they carried them around, or also stood on them. Further elaborating on the theme of chairs, there was an interesting and enlightening discussion about Joseph Kosuth's 1965 installation called "One and Three Chairs." A popular Burt Bacharach song about a chair was sung in a karaoke segment.   

The siblings contemplated on broad topics, like life and death, words and language -- parts where Luarca displayed the breadth of his knowledge on philosophy, religion and literature. However, the tearjerking moments were those parts when they reminisced about their parents and about each other. Luarca knew how to write beautiful lines which can hit raw nerves, be they in Filipino or English, giving each actor a highlight moment of raw emotion.

JC Santos's best moment as Jack was that scene when he was listening in on a bonding moment between Jai and her daughter Jackie. Jojit Lorenzo's best moment as Jers was when he shed tears as he talked about being ashamed that his children saw him shedding tears.  Martha Comia's best moment as Jai was that scene when she read a text another death in the family. It was her Jai who became the central focus of the play, and Comia owned it.

The play was staged at the Arete in Ateneo, but not in the big theater spaces. It was held in a humble second floor dressing room of the Hyundai Hall, the entrance of which was a side door, probably for the use of the cast and crew. The room can only accommodate an audience of 30 people, 10 of whom were seated on the floor. Being so up close to the actors, we can see every little gesture, facial tic and rolling teardrop -- intimate theater at its best.


"3 Upuan" ran only for 8 shows, September 22, 24, 26, 28 and 29, at 8 pm, with 4 pm matinees on Saturdays and Sundays. Regular tickets cost P700 each, subject to appropriate discounts as warranted.  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recap of STRINGS OF GOLD: Captivating Cello Concert

September 19, 2024

I first knew of Damodar das Castillas from the effusive posts of veteran writer Pablo Tariman about this cello child prodigy. As my favorite musical instrument was the cello, I had been wishing that I could watch him perform live in a concert, and my chance to do so came to pass today. It was a bonus that the venue for this benefit concert was also new to me -- the MiraNila Heritage House and Library, located along Mariposa St. in Quezon City. 

Because it was not located in a gated community, I did not expect the elegant beauty of the main mansion and expansive grounds that I saw when I drove through their gate. MiraNila was built in 1929 by Conrado and Francisca Benitez, parents of the late Dr. Helena Benitez of the Philippine Women's University. The pre-war grand style house and its collection of art and books are now open to the public for guided tours and catered events.

Damodar das Castillo and his cello now

Damodar das Castillo was born in 2007, which makes him all of 17 years of age now. According to his bio, he started playing cello at age 4. He won his first international competition in 2017, and since then, he had won 4 more. Since 2017, his studies, competitions, and cellos are all sponsored by the Standard Insurance Co., Inc. Tonight's concert was also a send-off concert for him, as he flies off tomorrow for Salzburg. 

When he first stepped out onto the stage, I was surprised how he did not look like the boy in the poster above for this event. He was much taller now, and wore a thick mop of hair on his head. According to the emcee's introduction, das Castillo was a well-rounded guy. His hobbies include playing basketball and football. He could also play death metal on his electric cello, (too bad he did not include one such song in his repertoire tonight).  

Passion in Playing

The program proper started a little after 6 pm. The performers were introduced by the emcees, who were a couple of 4th generation Benitez scions. Das Castillo was to be accompanied on piano by Julliard alumna, concert artist and music professor Mariel Ilusorio. The piano Ms. Ilusorio played was a 1904 Steinway grand piano, refurbished by the same technician who serviced Cecille Licad's pianos. This concert celebrates this piano's successful rehabilitation. 

Das Castillo opened the concert with a solo number -- "Cello Suite no 3. Prelude" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ilusorio joined him to play Frederic Chopin's 30 minute-long piece with four distinct movements of various moods and tempos -- "Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano." During the 10-minute intermission, I really felt the society page experience that this concert as the guests, politicians and ambassadors among them, hobnobbed with each other. 

Precision Partnership

The second act opened with another cello solo -- "Transcendence" by Faye Miravite (a Filipina composer from Italy), notable for including the cellist's singing vocals (!) into the piece. It was followed by a composition by National Artist for Music Nicanor Abelardo -- "Cavatina". The next two songs were lighter popular fare -- Henry Mancini's "Moon River" from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (VIDEO) and Richard Rodgers' "Edelweiss" from "The Sound of Music" (VIDEO).  

The final number was described by Ilusorio as "meaty" and indeed it was -- the 11 minute-long "First Movement for Cello Concerto in B-minor" by Antonín Dvořák (VIDEO). For his encore, he first played the 8-minute long "Pezzo Capriccioso, Op. 62" by Tchaikovsky (VIDEO), with the piano taking over the orchestra parts. Finally, the concert ended with the beautiful "Gabriel's Oboe" by Ennio Morricone, the theme music from Roland Joffe's "The Mission" (1986).  

Acknowledging the Applause 

This evening of beautiful classical music played in a nostalgic historical setting was such an enriching experience. I have a personal bias for the full-bodied string music emanating from a cello, so this concert of cello music from a rare Filipino prodigy of this majestic instrument like Damodar das Castillo was certainly extraordinary. Mariel Ilusorio's piano complemented his cello in a precise and passionate partnership. Glorious.


This concert is only the first in a series of future performances from the nation's best talents to be held in MiraNila. MiraNila Heritage House & Library is located at 26 Mariposa Street, Brgy. Bagong Lipunan, Crame, QC (find us on Facebook: MiraNila Heritage House and Library). If you want to visit the house, contact 87220243 or 09454876827 to set an appointment. 

The MiraNila House (from their FB page)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

TP: Review of BALETE: The Farmers' Fight

September 14, 2024

In the town plaza of Rosales, Pangasinan stood one old magnificent balete tree. The biggest rice farm there was owned by a corrupt politician Don Vicente. It was run by by a stern caretaker Espiridion, who was the father of the narrator / protagonist, Francisco or "Kiko." As a child,  Kiko got along well with their farm servants. However, he also witnessed how his father had been a very harsh employer, often resorting to violence. 

"Balete" is a reworking of Rody Vera's stage play written in 2002 originally for PETA. It was adapted from "Tree," a 1978 novel by National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose. It was the second book of his epic 5-volume Rosales Saga, written from 1962 to 1984 (not in chronological order). Director Chris Millado also shared in his notes that they also incorporated parts from Jose's 2021 autobiography, "Promdi." 

The magnetic Mr. Nonie Buencamino 

The story was being narrated by the adult Francisco in English, which then segued to dramatizations in Filipino detailing these stories. Narrator, child Kiko and father Espiridion were all played by one awesome actor -- Nonie Buencamino. Passion was always burning in those piercing eyes of his, it was mesmerizing to watch him perform. His portrayals were so distinct for all three roles, I'd say that the award for Best Actor in a Play 2024 is already wrapped up as early as now.

The four senior members of the Actors Company were at the top of their game as usual. Marco Viana played Kiko's long-lived grandfather, and his artist-philosopher Tio Marcelo. Jonathan Tadioan played the motherly cook, the affable horse groom David and the reviled landowner Don Vicente. Lhorvie Nuevo played Ludovico's father, housemaid Marita and farmhand Anghel. Toni Go played Hilda from the carnival, a Chinese businessman and the mysterious woman Kiko's father visited. 

The three younger members of the Actors Company also get to play some memorable characters. Earvin Estioko played Tio Baldo, Kiko's relative who later actively fought for farmer rights. Gelo Molina made a strong impression as the young servant Ludovico. He was Kiko's favorite playmate, something which got him into trouble with the boss. Ynna Rafa played Ludovico's mother, as well as Clarissa, Kiko's cousin from Cebu. 

Wika Nadera's stage was one huge circle with a trapdoor in the middle. A wooden lounge chair descended on the stage when needed. The actors sat around the circle, with all their props and costumes all on the floor beside them, as they changed as the scene required.  It was only the second show of the run that I watched, but everything went like clockwork, from Delphine Buencamino's dance movements to Roman Cruz's lights. This show could only get more polished from here. Bravo!!

The whole cast at the curtain call


"Balete" runs from September 13 - October 6, 2024 at the Tanghalang Ignacio Gimenez, Cultural Center of the Philippines. Play runs for about 2 hours and a half, with a 15-minute intermission. 

Get your tickets at: Google Form (LINK), Ticket2Me (LINK), Ticketworld (LINK), or Klook (LINK). Ticket prices: VIP Php 2,000, VIP (20% Discount for Season Pass Holder, Senior Citizen, PWD) - Php1,600, VIP  (10% Discount for Students) - Php1,800, Regular Php1,500, Regular (20% Discount for Season Pass Holder, Senior Citizen, PWD) - Php1,200, Regular (10% Discount for Students) - Php1,350

Saturday, September 7, 2024

9 Works: Review of ONCE ON THIS ISLAND: Lilting Legend of Love

September 7, 2024

After a terrible storm hit their island, Tonton Julian (Raul Montesa, alternate Noel Rayos) and his wife Mama Euralie (Lani Ligot) found orphaned Little Ti Moune (Reese Iso, alternate Bianca Estacio) on a tree. Despite their age and poverty, they decided to adopt her as their daughter. When she grew up into her teens, Ti Moune (Thea Astley) always helped her parents work in the fields, but she wanted to do more, and was excitedly waited for her life to begin. 

The four gods -- mother of the earth Asaka (Radha), god of water Agwe (Garrett Bolden), goddess of beauty Erzulie (Shiela Valderrama-Martinez, alternate Jasmine Fitzgerald) and demon of death Papa Ge (Lorenz Martinez) -- heard Ti Moune's yearning and granted her wish. Agwe created a strong storm which caused young "grand homme" Daniel (Jef Flores) to crash his car. Ti Moune witnessed the accident and took care for the young man.  

This is not the first time that I watched this play as it had been staged a number of times locally before. I am already familiar with the story adapted by Lynn Ahrens from a 1985 novel "My Love, My Love" by Rosa Guy, which in turn was adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid." I already loved a number of its catchy songs with lilting calypso beats written by Stephen Flaherty -- particularly "We Dance" and "Waiting for Life." 

As for this new production, 9 Works and director Robbie Guevara chose their Ti Moune well. Triple-threat Thea Astley delivered strongly during her dramatic moments, belted with her crystal-clear singing voice in her musical numbers, and displayed terpsichorean chops during Ti Moune's impromptu island dance number at the ball. (I had seen alternate Angela Ken do very well in "Spelling Bee" last February, so I am looking forward to see her as Ti Moune.)

Jef Flores seemed to be having an off day at the matinee show today as Daniel. The chemistry between him and Astley was not working because he seemed tired and lacked energy, even in his solo "Some Girls." He came across as much older than her. We know he is capable of better work, 2-time Gawad Buhay best actor winner that he is. (The alternate is Sam Concepcion. Curious what he can bring to this character.)

The vocal powerhouses playing the gods all had knockout solo spots -- "Rain" for Agwe, "Mama Will Provide" for Asaka, "The Human Heart" for Erzulie and "Promises/ Forever Yours (Reprise)" for Papa Ge. The aristocratic Andrea, Ti Moune's rival, was played by Krystal Kane (alternate Shanaia Gomez). The storytellers were Fay Castro, Samantha Libao, skillful dancer Jordan Andrews and the delightfully cute scene-stealer Jonjon Martin. 

There were scenes where the blocking choices for certain characters looked awkward from where I was seated.  The center area of the circular ramp going all around the stage was a rather tight space, so there were dancers bumping into each other. Those hula hoops with long strips of paper hanging all around used in the "Rain" number did not look good for me. Anyhow, this is only opening weekend, so there is still time to tighten things up.  

Lani Ligot, Reese Iso, Lorenz Martinez, Radha, Thea Astley, Jef Flores and Shiela Valderama-Martinez at their curtain call


UPDATE: September 21, 2024

Got to watch the alternate cast of this run of "Once on the Island" this afternoon. With her long curly hair in pigtails, Angela Ken looked very young and barely out of her tweens as Ti Moune. Her voice was clear as a bell, but compared to Thea Astley's, it was thinner and had less power. Sam Concepcion was better fit as Daniel, but the character is really unlikable, it was difficult for any actor to put a positive spin on him. Based on what I have seen, I think the combination of Thea Astley and Sam Concepcion would be the best to watch. I was also able to focus on more on the strong vocal performance of Ms. Lani Ligot as Euralie. 


9 Works Theatrical's production of "Once on This Island" has a LIMITED RUN ONLY from September 6 to 29 at the RCBC Plaza, Makati City. The show is about 90 minutes long, without an intermission.

Get your tickets NOW via this LINK

Ticket prices are as follows: 
> Orchestra Center Premium: PHP 3900.00, 
> Orchestral Center: PHP 3700.00, 
> Orchestra Center Front: PHP 3600.00, 
> Orchestra Side: PHP 3300.00, 
> Orchestra Side Zone 2: PHP 3100.00, 
> Loge Center: PHP 3400.00, 
> Loge Side / Back:  PHP 3100.00
> Balcony: PHP 2200.00. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Review of THE HALF-LIFE OF MARIE CURIE: Sisters in Science

August 25, 2024

In 1911, Marie Curie won her second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, for the discovery of radium and polonium. However, she was not in the mood for any celebration. At that time, the widow Curie was being bashed in public for having a clandestine love affair with another scientist named Paul, who was very much married.  The Nobel organization even asked her not to attend her awarding ceremony because of the controversy she will attract. 

At this lowest point of her life, Curie was visited by her very good friend, electromechanical engineer Hertha Ayrton. Ayrton invited Curie and her two daughters Irene and Evie to come visit her in her seaside rest home back in Great Britain. Away from the distressing public scrutiny in France, Curie and Ayrton bonded over stories about their late husbands, about Curie's illicit affair, about Ayrton's criminal record, among other things.

Lauren Gunderson is a prolific American playwright who usually wrote about female scientists. Of her 25 plays written since 2001, I have only seen one of them so far -- "Silent Sky" (2011) about astronomer Henrietta Leavitt -- staged by Repertory Philippines in 2018. "The Half-life of Marie Curie" (2019) was about the most famous female scientist -- Curie, but sharing the stage was a fellow scientist, lesser-known, but also deserving of notice -- Ayrton.

Missy Maramara as Marie Curie

The first time I had seen Missy Maramara in action onstage was in 2018, in Dulaang Up's "Ang Dalagita'y Isang Bagay na Di-buo," and I had admired her since then. Maramara was very intense in portraying Curie's frustration and depression as her respected career crumbled down over the weight of a scandal.  Those who know Maramara more as a improv comedian of SPIT would also relish her sharp comic timing in the moments of levity here.

Caisa Borromeo was such a ball of energy throughout this play as Hertha Ayrton, from her introductory spiel about her invention. to her story about how she got her unique name, to her ribbing Marie to share juicy details. She was the best friend we all wish we had -- always looking on the bright side, always excited over our achievement, always honest in her criticism. The chemistry of Maramara and Borromeo was impeccable and a joy to watch. 

Caisa Borromeo as Hertha Ayrton

The fact that most of us now knew nothing about this "big scandal" which caused Marie Curie sleepless nights from 1911-12 proved that, more likely than not, history will eventually just remember us for our important achievements than our moments of human weakness.  Meanwhile, while we are still saddled with these mental health issues, we are lucky if we have loving family and loyal friends to rely on for support during these tough times.

Gunderson brings up now and again the constant challenge women go through to find equal footing in a world dominated by men. Women had always been judged with a different standard, be it about scientific achievements, political decisions or moral issues. Curie and Ayrton both loved their late husbands very much, but they also wanted to be known as brilliant scientists on their own merits. This play brings us into the intensity of their struggle. 


"The Half-life of Marie Curie" is a two-hander play that runs for about 90 minutes without an intermission. This MusicArtes production is directed by Kiara Pipino, and staged at the Doreen Black Box Theater at the Arete in the Ateneo. Play runs 7pm on August 23-25, 27-30 with 3pm matinees on August 24-25, 30-31. It is rated PG-13 as there are scenes that tackle sex, gender discrimination, self-harm, and violence.