Sunday, February 16, 2025

TA: Review of SINTANG DALISAY: A Teenage Tragedy with a Twist

February 15, 2025

In the Muslim community of Semporna, there was a bitter feud brewing between two rich families -- the Mustaphas and the Kalimuddins.  During a masquerade dance, Rashiddin (Karl Borromeo) of the Mustapha family fell in love at first sight with Jamila (Maliana Beran) of the Kalimuddin family. Their forbidden love affair led to a series of violence that unfortunately led to deaths from both families, which led to Rashiddin getting exiled to Dapitan. 

Surely that synopsis sounds familiar -- it is William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" transposed to a Mindanao setting by Ricardo Abad and first staged in July of 2011 at the Ateneo under Abad's direction. It was the final set designed by National Artist Salvador Bernal before he passed away in October, 2011. When Abad passed away last December 26, 2023, Abad's protege Guelan Varela-Luarca took over as director for a 2024 restaging in his honor. 

Stage Design of National Artist Salvador Bernal, revived by Tata Tuviera

The show opened with an overture played by a live band called Anima Tierra, playing their traditional, contemporary and experimental instruments right there on centerstage. They created a wall of sound with their percussions and vocalizations that set the propulsive and ethereal atmosphere of this play. Led by Jayson Gildore and Rhea Dagnalan, they take over the band of their mentor Edru Abraham and Kontra Gapi who played during the 2011 run. 

The first character to enter the stage was the Imam, who also served as the narrator of the story. James Reyes delivered his lengthy introductory monologue with his graceful movements and strong singing voice. Color was added when Reyes was joined by the other cast members dressed in their family colors -- orange for Mustaphas and green for Kalimuddins -- dancing the native igal (choreography by Matthew Santamaria) to the infectious beats of Anima Tierra. 

Anima Tierra plays the vibrant musical score

To be completely honest, I did not really understand every word being said onstage. Not only were they delivered in poetic old-fashioned Filipino, the sound system was insufficient to support the vocal projection of the actors. You can hear their voices going hoarse in their effort to make their lines understood. Those familiar with "Romeo and Juliet" can the drift of the story by context. Those unfamiliar with the original story may find it challenging to follow. 

Notable in this adaptation were the recurrent references to the afterlife. After Mercutio-equivalent Badawi (Roldine Ebrada) and Tybalt-equivalent Taupan (Jerome Dawis) were killed, they were shown to get up, wore a veil and salakot, and climbed up the stairs to the life beyond. At the end, they came back onstage to fetch the souls of Rashiddin and Jamila to lead them towards the hereafter, an aspect not in Shakespeare original. 

Maliana Beran and Karl Borromeo in the lead roles

The classic multi-level set design by Salvador Bernal had been beautifully recreated by Tata Tuviera. A most remarkable scene was that when Rashiddin bought poison from witches with giant anahaw leaves -- breathtaking.  The important role of Sabrina Basilio's dramaturgy for a cultural topic like this cannot be underestimated. Likewise important was Missy Maramara's role as intimacy coordinator, particularly in that honeymoon night pas de deux. 

Majority of the audience of the matinee I watched were excitable English-speaking elementary school boys. They vigorously cheered every kick and clash of knives during the fights (exciting fight choreography care of Brian Sy). They gasped loudly when Ginoong Kalimuddin (Fred Layno) slapped Jamila's face, and likewise during the climactic modified suicide scenes.  You can just imagine how loud their rowdy hooting reactions were during the love scene!

"Romeo and Juliet" -- with sensitive themes of teenage violence, marriage and suicide -- does not seem to be a play apt for young kids, but hey, it is a "classic." I do hope their teachers debrief them adequately about these adult topics, and orient them about theater etiquette as well. The old ladies seated beside me were clearly not amused with the juvenile antics. But for me, the noisy response around me actually added to the entertainment value of my viewing experience.


This rerun of "Sintang Dalisay" runs only for 9 shows only this February 14-23 at Hyundai Hall, Areté, Ateneo de Manila University. Buy your tickets from Ticket2Me via this LINK. Tickets cost P1200 for Orchestra and P800 for Balcony. The show runs for 2 hours with no intermission. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Idea First: Review of ANINO SA LIKOD NG BUWAN: Sensual Strategies

February 8, 2025

Nardo (Ross Pesigan) and his wife Emma (Elora Espano) were driven out of their village when it was attacked by the rebels. They became close friends with Joel (Martin del Rosario), a soldier who helped them settle in this new community. One night during an eclipse, Martin visited their shack to bring them some food, and also to play poker with them. However, when Nardo had to go fetch water at the well, Joel and Emma had other plans in mind. 

I first knew of this Jun Robles Lana work as a film that he both wrote and directed. The film was noted for its remarkable camera work as it followed the three main characters in one long continuous take in and around a small hut furnished only with a dining table and a bed, which notoriously included a 15-minute long sex scene. It starred Luis Alandy as Joel, Anthony Falcon as Nardo, and LJ Reyes, who won the Urian for Best Actress, as Emma. (MY REVIEW)

Del Rosario, Espano, Pesigan
at the curtain call

It turned out that this material was actually first written as a one-act play in 1993, when Lana was only 20 years old. It won first place in the Bulwagang Gantimpala playwrighting contest back then. When Idea First decided to venture into producing theater plays, it seemed natural that "Anino sa Likod ng Buwan" was their first choice. However, Lana decided to have someone else direct the project, a job which went to seasoned director Tuxqs Rutaquio. 

Emma and Nardo were played by veteran theater actors Elora Espano and Ross Pesigan, whose stage experience started in their student days in UP Diliman. Also very daring in her indie films, Espano captured the passionate fervor and mental alertness of Emma as she engaged in dangerous games. Pesigan imbued Nardo with an obfuscating air of blankness that may be interpreted as folly on one side, or cold-bloodedness on the other extreme.   

Movie and TV star Martin del Rosario is making his first foray on the legitimate stage with this play, and what an auspicious debut this was! Unlike other neophytes, del Rosario delivered Joel's kilometric lines with confidence and energy, giving them a 100% emotional wallop. He was very comfortable with his body even during sensual scenes in various stages of undress. He was never self-conscious, as if he had been doing this for years.  

Pesigan, Espano and Del Rosario at the Q and A
with writer Jun Lana on the left

Director Rutaquio's set design was very much like it was in the film. The space of the stage house also had a small dining table and a bed in there, with a door for them to go in and out. There were three columns at the back where shadowy trees were projected to represent the forest outside the house. The lighting design of John Batalla and the sound design of TJ Ramos complete the atmosphere of tension and dread. 

What I watched was a stripped-down preview staged at the Arete three weeks before the play formally opens at the PETA Theater Center on March 1. Even then, it ran for about two hours without an intermission, so surely certain aspects can still be tweaked to make it run better. There were scenes which felt repetitive which could use some streamlining, like maybe that second standing oral sex scene in the second act that could either be cut out or varied into something else. 


Idea First Live's production of Jun Lana's "Anino sa Likod ng Buwan" runs from March 1 to 23, 2025 at the PETA Theater Center in Quezon City. Ticket prices range from P2464 (Orchestra VIP Cushioned), P2240 (Orchestra Center, Balcony Center), P2016 (Orchestra Side) and P1120 (Balcony Side).

Each role has an understudy: Edward Benosa for Joel, Vincent Pajara for Nardo and in her stage debut, VMX star Denise Esteban for Emma. 

Understudy cast: Benosa, Esteban and Pajara

For its next project, Idea First Livc! is planning to produce a stage version of its 2016 MMFF Audience Choice hit "Die Beautiful," which was written by Rody Vera and directed by Jun Robles Lana. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sandbox: Review of NEXT TO NORMAL: Psychoactive Prescriptions

February 2, 2025

The Goodmans seem to be a normal regular family on the surface. Father Dan was an architect. Mother Diana was a doting housewife and mother. Teen children Gab and Natalie doing well in school. However, Diana had been taking a variety of prescription psychoactive drugs to control the labile moods brought about by her bipolar disorder. Poor response lately had prompted her new doctor Madden to recommend electro-convulsive therapy (ECT). 

For its original Broadway production in 2008, this rock musical with book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt won three Tony Awards out of 11 nominations. It won for Best Original Score, Best Orchestration and Best Performance by a Lead Actress in a Musical for Alice Ripley. Remarkably, it also won a Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2010 even if it was not among the shortlist of three plays submitted to the jury for consideration.  

All in all, this is already the fourth time that I have watched this musical.  My first time was in 2010 at the Booth Theater on Broadway, starring Marin Mazzie, Jeff Danieley and Kyle Dean Massey (MY REVIEW). Second was a 2011 local staging by Atlantis, starring Menchu Lauchengco-Yulo, Jett Pangan and Felix Rivera (MY REVIEW). Third was a 2020 production by Blue Rep in Ateneo, starring Cris Villonco, Jef Flores and Tim Pavino (MY REVIEW).  

Benedix Ramos and Jam Binay

This Sandbox production is directed by Toff de Venecia. The cast I saw last night included film and TV actress Nikki Valdez (in her first stage role since "The Wedding Singer" by 9 Works in 2010), Floyd Tena, Benedix Ramos (fresh from his successful stage debut in "Bar Boys" last year), Jam Binay, Davy Narciso and Jef Flores. The alternate cast features Sheila Valderrama-Martinez, OJ Mariano, Vino Mabalot, Sheena Belarmino, Omar Uddin and again Jef Flores. 

Aside from nailing the drama which is expected of her, Nikki Valdez also nailed Diana's tough songs. Her voice sounded borderline hoarse, and this was only opening night, so she needs to safeguard it with vocal hygiene. The baritone of Floyd Tena deeply expressed Dan's difficult dilemmas. Gabe's sky-high notes were no problem for Benedix Ramos. Not exactly a fan of Natalie's hair, but Jam Binay simply brimmed with teenage angst.

Nikki Valdez and Floyd Tena

This Sandbox production had an even simpler set than the Blue Rep production. The Goodman "house" in this one did not even have walls or doors at all, only four chairs, a few steps and a screened area on both sides -- that was the whole set. You are expected to fill in the rest in your heads, from the sandwich scene to the ECT scene. These are not easy to envision if you had not seen this play before, and they will feel too hollow if you had.

I know that the cast was acting and singing their hearts out, but the sound system was so garbled so the Pulitzer prize-winning lyrics were barely understood. The live band led by musical director Ejay Yatco was a big plus, but the music can occasionally drown out the lyrics even more. I was told the sound of this show was already a big improvement over the previous day's shows, so I trust adjustments are already being done to correct this issue.


The Sandbox Collective's "Next to Normal" runs from February 1 to 23, 2025 at the wintry cold Power Mac Center Spotlight ⁠Blackbox Theater, Circuit Makati⁠. Ticket prices: VIP Php 3400, Premium Php 3000 and Regular Php 2,500.  Get your tickets via Ticket2Me at this link


UPDATE: February 22, 2025

Watched one cast on the opening weekend, and today caught the alternate cast (Shiela Valderrama, Oj Mariano, Vino Mabalot, Sheena Belarmino, Omar Uddin) on its closing weekend. With sound issues that marred the first show all fixed, this second show felt totally new. Listening to Bryan Yorkey's lyrics with much-improved clarity really intensified the show's emotional impact. This was how this show was supposed to run.